Healthcare News
Symptoms and Treatment of Different Types of Kneecap Injuries
A kneecap injury can happen from a blow to the knee or a fall. Some injuries can also occur due to overuse. When you injure your kneecap—also called your patella—there may be damage to the surrounding soft tissues, such as a patellar tendon tear, or a fracture to the bone.
4+ hour emergency care wait linked to heightened risks of death and longer hospital stay for hip fracture patients
Early surgery is associated with lower risks of death and perioperative complication rates, but with emergency department waiting times currently lengthening across the UK and elsewhere, it's highly likely that hip fracture surgery may end up being delayed, they add.
Lidocaine may reduce pain at time of corticosteroid injection for hand, wrist conditions
Patients who received lidocaine at the time of corticosteroid injection for hand and wrist conditions experienced lower pain intensity compared with those who did not receive lidocaine, according to presented results.
Catalyst OrthoScience receives FDA 510(k) clearance of proximal humerus fracture system
Catalyst OrthoScience announced FDA 510(k) clearance of the Catalyst shoulder fracture system for patients with proximal humerus fractures, according to a company press release.
Revolutionizing cartilage repair: The role of macrophages and hyaluronic acid in healing injuries
Injuries of the knee resulting in damage to cartilage affect approximately 900,000 Americans annually, resulting in more than 200,000 surgical procedures. These injuries are frequently associated with pain, diminished joint functionality, and reduced quality of life.