Lumbar Procedures

Lumbar Decompression
The spinal cord is protected by a bony column of vertebral bones, arranged one above the other. Injury or wear-and-tear can cause parts of the vertebrae to compress the nerves of the spinal cord, leading to pain, numbness or tingling in the part of the body that the nerve supplies.

Lumbar Discectomy
The lower back or lumbar region is often the site of pain due to its high mobility and weight-bearing. Spongy discs present between the vertebral bones of the spine help cushion the spine during stress and movement.

Lumbar Microdiscectomy
Microdiscectomy is a surgical procedure employed to relieve the pressure over the spinal cord and/or nerve roots, caused by a ruptured (herniated) intervertebral disc.

Lumbar Foraminotomy
The spine is surrounded and protected by vertebral bones stacked one on top of the other. Between adjacent vertebrae are spaces called neural foramen through which spinal nerves pass to communicate with the rest of your body.

Lumbar Laminectomy
Lumbar laminectomy is a spinal surgery to relieve excess pressure on the spinal cord or nerves within the spinal canal in the lumbar or lower back region.

Lumbar Fusion
Spinal fusion, also called arthrodesis, is a surgical technique used to join two or more vertebrae (bones) within the spine. Lumbar fusion is the procedure of fusing the vertebrae in the lumbar portion of the spine (lower back).

Anterior Lumbar Corpectomy and Fusion
Anterior Lumbar Corpectomy and Fusion is a surgical technique performed to remove the vertebral bone or disc material between the vertebrae to alleviate pressure on the spinal cord and spinal nerves (decompression) in the lumbar (lower back) region.

Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion
Anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) is a surgery performed to correct spinal problems in the lower back. The surgery can be implemented either as an open surgery or minimally invasive technique.

Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion
Spinal fusion is a surgical technique that joins two or more vertebrae in the spine to minimize the pain caused by the movement of these vertebrae.

Direct Lateral Interbody Fusion (DLIF)
Direct lateral interbody fusion (DLIF) is a type of lumbar interbody fusion surgery, a surgical technique involving the removal of a damaged intervertebral disc, and the insertion of a bone graft into the empty disc space created between the two adjoining vertebrae. Bone grafts promote healing and facilitate fusion.